
Projects supported through BIOPAT

(No., project title, country, project executive organisation, funding amount [Euro])

  1. Inventory of the orchids of the Tariquia conservation area, Tarija and organisation of a "orchidarium".
    Bolivia, F.A.N., 7750
  2. Publication of an extended and revised version of the book "Edible wild fruits from Santa Cruz" for the ecological education of the local population.
    Bolivia, F.A.N., 5770
  3. Training of local park rangers about the ecology and protection of  amphibians in bolivian protected areas.
    Bolivia, F.A.N., 6000
  4. Investigation of the palm-trees of Bolivia as a basis for a publication for the ecological education of the local population.
    Bolivia, F.A.N., 4280
  5. Acquisition of the flora und vegetation of the Chiquitano mountains Chochis und Santiago to declare a conservation area.
    Bolivia, F.A.N., 2880
  6. Botanical in vivo-collection: "Creación de un centro de exposición y conservación de la botánica de Bolivia".
    Bolivia, F.A.N., 11000
  7. Creation of a protected area for the Dragontree-Rainforest "Maromiza" near Andasibe, Madagascar.
    Madagascar, NAT-Stuttgart, 12112
  8. Final measures to "Maromiza" project.
    Madagascar, NAT-Stuttgart, 3500
  9. Workshop on the importance of bats in Sri Lanka to raise awareness of employees of the Department of Wildlife Conservation and the manager of tea plantations.
    Sri Lanka, Zoologisches Institut Uni München (Prof. Schuller), 8655
  10. Staff training and improvement  of the technical equipment of the herpetological department of the Museo de Historia Natural, Lima
    Peru, Edgar Lehr (Staatliche Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden), 11083
  11. Establishment of a local insect collection and training local professionals to parataxonomists in Myanmar.
    Myanmar, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien und ZSM-München (Dr. Schillhammer und Dr. Balke), 12500
  12. Proclaiming a new flagship-species (Varanus mabitang) to promote the protection of the lowland rainforest in NW-Panay.
    Philippines, Conservation Biology Unit der Uni Bochum (Prof. Curio), 12800
  13. An action plan for the conservation and sustainable use of Madagascar’s most prominent endangered amphibians: the Mantella aurantiaca and Dyscophus antongili complexes.
    Madagascar, Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, Universiteit van Amsterdam (Miguel Vences), 11000
  14. Co-funding of a standard work on the biodiversity of Bolivia together with FAN and the Ministry of Sustainable Development (eds. Pierre Ibisch & Gonzalo Merida).
    Bolivia, F.A.N., 7000
  15. Helicopter-Expedition into the Cocapata-Mosetenes Region.
    Bolivia, Uni Göttingen-Inst. Für Pflanzensystematik (Dr. Michael Kessler und Dr. Sebastian Herzog), 3200
  16. Equipment for the herpetological collection of Museo de Historia Natural Noel Kempff Mercado (Santa Cruz).
    Bolivia, Museo de Historia Natural Noel Kempff Mercado (Aleida Justiniano), 1300
  17. Supporting the Zoological Garden of Vietnam  for the conservation of endangered local species.
    Vietnam, Aquarium des Kölner Zoo und Zoo in Vietnam (Thomas Ziegler), 10000
  18. Rainforest conservation in the Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area
    Papua New Guinea, Wildlife Conservation Society Papua Neuguinea (coordinator Michael Balke), 2640
  19. Biodiversity baseline study of molluscs and algae and taxonomy training for undergraduate students at Marine Science Department, Sam Ratulangi University Manado.
    Indonesia, Sam Ratulangi University Manado, Indonesia (coordinator Grevo Gehrung), 1500
  20. Evaluation of Bolivian amphibians in relation to the global decline of amphibian populations with regard to  the potential past and presence of chytridiomycosis.
    Bolivia, Centro de Biodiversidad y Genética (CBG, Cochabamba, Bolivia) and Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain (MNCN), Ignacio de la Riva, 1300
  21. Follow-up support: contribution of the Zoological Garden of Vietnam to obtain local endangered species.
    Vietnam, Aquarium des Kölner Zoo und Zoo in Vietnam (Thomas Ziegler), 7000
  22. Prolongation Mabitang-Varan-Project: Telemetric Survey and Ecological Consciousness Training of local population.
    Philippines, Maren Gaulke und Prof. Curio/Uni Bochum , 10200
  23. Conservation of Tomato frog populations within and aound the town of Maroantsetra, NE Madagascar.
    Madagascar, Franco Andreone and Antongil Conservation Center, 10000
  24. Effectiv protection of Lemurs in the Antsohihy region in the Northwest of Madagascar..
    Madagascar, Ute Radespiel / TiHo Hannover, 11000
  25. Sound guide of the Anurans from Southern Brazil and Uruguay.
    Brazil, Axel Kwet / Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, 3000
  26. Autecological fieldstudies and Capacity Building for local scientists with regard to Atelopus-Species in Peru.
    Peru, Stefan Lötters / Biogeographie der Universität Trier, 3850
  27. Sahonagasy Web Platform.
    Madagascar, M.Vences/F.Andreone Godwana Conservation and Research e.V., 6500
  28. Borana and Bole Lowlands Exploration.
    Athiopien, Prof. Ensermu Kalbessa (Uni of Addis Abeba), 9500
  29. Marine Benthic Fauna Field Guide.
    Chile, Vreni Häussermann/Huinay Research Center, 5000
  30. Research and conservation project 'Spiders of Laos'
    Laos, Peter Jäger/Senckenberg B.Praxaysombath/Uni.of Laos, 7100
  31. Spider-Symposium
    Laos, Peter Jäger/Senckenberg, B.Praxaysombath/Uni.of Laos, 5700
  32. Moraea vuvuzela conservation project
    South Africa, John Manning und Ismail Ebrahim SANBI, 5500
  33. Amphibians protection and breeding project.
    Madagascar, Rainer Dolch (Mitsinjo), 4000
  34. Sponges as indicator organisms.
    Chile, Vreni Häussermann, Huinay Foundation, 4500
  35. Hula-frog research and conservation project
    Israel, Miguel Vences, 12000
  36. Equipment for the herpetological collection of the Museo de Historia Natural (MUSM), Lima,
    Peru, Edgar Lehr (University Bloomington, USA), 9300
  37. Jaguar monitoring and conservation in the Chiquitania,
    Bolivia, Martin Jansen (Senckenberg), 15000
  38. Support of attending students 5th Conference Asian Society of Arachnology
    Thailand, Peter Jäger (Senckenberg), 5000
  39. Construction of new herpetological collection facilities CORBIDI incl. air condition, Lima
    Peru, Pablo Venegas (CORBIDI), 12000
  40. Jaguar monitoring and conservation in the Chiquitania, 2nd project phase
    Bolivia, Martin Jansen (Senckenberg), 13200
  41. Status and conservation of anuran species complexes in mountain forests of Peru, Ernesto Castillo-Urbina (Asociación GRUPO RANA, Lima, Peru), 2850
  42. Arachnology Research Workshop in Vang Vieng, Laos (27 November to 1 December 2023), support of student attendance for training in taxonomy and biodiversity research, Peter Jäger (Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung), 3100
  43. Conservation status and threats of Polychrus jacquelinae in the Maranon valley, Peru (July to October 2024), support of field assistants for training in taxonomy and biodiversity research, Julian Mews, Claudia Koch (Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change, Bonn), 5789
  44. Biodiversity assessment of the Komarnica River, Montenegro, Hendrik Freitag, 7000
  45. Partial funding for "Congress of the Asian Society of Arachnology (ASA)", Peter Jäger (Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt), 3320
  46. The gems among the ashes: elucidating harlequin toad (Atelopus) survival in the central Andes following catastrophic disease-driven declines, Jesse Erens, Stefan Lötters (Habitats Foundation, Luxembourg & University Trier), 7798

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