Catalogue of species

Schwarz-gelber Schmetterling

This species has been collected in the low forests of the Amazon, in northern Peru. It is a species of daytime habits and is not attracted to light traps. The specimens of this species frequent some special plants where they have been captured. 

Scale bar in the photo: 5 mm 

Mindestspende: 2800 Euro

Nr.: 332

  • Gattung / Genus:
  • Neuer Art-Name / New species name:
  • Herkunft / Origin:
  • Beschreiber / Describer:
    Juan Grados

Black-yellow butterfly

This species has been collected in the low forests of the Amazon, in northern Peru. It is a species of daytime habits and is not attracted to light traps. The specimens of this species frequent some special plants where they have been captured. 

Scale bar in the photo: 5 mm 

Minimum donation: 2800 Euro

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