Catalogue of species

Rote Regenwaldkrabbe

This small species of African freshwater crab lives in dense rain forests and is only found on Sugarloaf Mountain and around Lake Guma in Sierra Leone, West Africa. It lives under the rocks in stream beds, and on land either under fallen leaves or in the burrows that it digs close to water bodies. Further investigation is needed to learn more about its biology and conservation status because its habitat is under threat.

Mindestspende: 2600.- Euro

Nr.: 328

  • Gattung / Genus:
  • Neuer Art-Name / New species name:
  • Herkunft / Origin:
    Sierra Leone
  • Beschreiber / Describer:
    Pierre A. Mvogo Ndongo & Neil Cumberlidge

Red Rainforest Crab

This small species of African freshwater crab lives in dense rain forests and is only found on Sugarloaf Mountain and around Lake Guma in Sierra Leone, West Africa. It lives under the rocks in stream beds, and on land either under fallen leaves or in the burrows that it digs close to water bodies. Further investigation is needed to learn more about its biology and conservation status because its habitat is under threat.

Minimum donation: 2600.- Euro

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